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  • Health
  • New BioBran Research Demonstrates IBS Relief & Immune Support

    New research from Nagoya City University in Japan has shown that irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) sufferers could experience significant relief by taking 1g of BioBran, a modified arabinoxylan compound extracted from rice bran, twice daily for four weeks.

    The findings will be presented by the study’s lead researcher Dr Takeshi Kamiya, MD, PhD at GASTRO 2009 (United European Gastroenterology Week/World Congress of Gastroenterology) at ExCel, London, 21-25 November.

    IBS has long been associated with multiple factors but more recently research has implicated low-grade gastro-intestinal inflammation and abnormal activation of the mucosal immune system with the condition.

    The randomised, double blind, placebo controlled study involved 34 male and female patients diagnosed with IBS, aged between 25 and 70. Changes in symptoms were evaluated weekly by questionnaire and the gastrointestinal symptom rating scale (GSRS) was used before and after the treatment period. Effectiveness of the treatment was assessed by a self-evaluation scale, blood tests to evaluate immune competence before and after treatment and measurement of immune marker levels.

    Stool frequency and feeling of incomplete evacuation tended to improve within two to three weeks. GSRS scores for diarrhoea and constipation also declined significantly. More than 50 per cent of the patients in the BioBran group felt the treatment was ‘good’ or ‘quite good’, compared with only 25 per cent in the placebo group. While there were no remarkable changes in post treatment white blood cell counts or CRP levels, the rate of change in NK (natural killer) cell activity was significantly higher in the BioBran group.

    BioBran is made by a patented process in which rice bran is broken down using enzymes from an immune-boosting extract in Shitake mushrooms. The resulting compound contains a blend of glyco-nutrients, in particular arabinoxylan1, as well as other short chain polysaccharides and hemicellulose compounds.

    This unique combination enables the body to optimize its own natural healing mechanisms and makes BioBran MGN-3 more effective than any other immune-support supplement. It works by boosting the NK white blood cells needed to destroy newly infected or abnormal blood cells. It also increases T cell and B cell activity.

    BioBran’s efficacy in warding off infection and aiding recovery is backed by Professor Ben Pfeifer’s research at the Aeskulap Clinic in Switzerland, where it is used to support treatment of cancer patients. Pfeifer has used phytonutrient and immuno-therapy to demonstrate improved efficacy of treatment programmes, reduction in side effects, and a boost of immune function activity which destroyed cancer cells.

    BioBran is distributed in the UK by The Really Healthy Company. For further information and research references on BioBran go to biobran.org or to place an order go to healthy.co.uk

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