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  • Dating and Relationships
  • 10% of Brits Will Split Up Because of the World Cup

    14% of men agree that football will more important than their partner

    A survey of British households by online divorce company www.divorce-online.co.uk has found that 10% of people have ended a relationship because of rows about football (This equates to 4.9 million people) and 11% of people expect their relationship to become more strained during the World Cup ( this equates to 5.5 million people)

    Bad news for women

    The bad news for women specifically, is that "14% of men agree that football will more important than their partner" during the World Cup and almost a quarter of men believe that TV viewing will revolve around the tournament.

    Arsenal fans are the worst

    Arsenal fans are the most likely to have relationship problems because of the World Cup.

    They are the most likely to have arguments because of neglect due to the football and they are the most likely supporters to have a strained relationship during the World Cup.

    Arsenal fans also agreed that the football is more important than their partner during the World Cup although it is the Newcastle supporter who is most keen to move out during the tournament.

    Other team’s fans are just as bad

    The other team supporters don’t get away completely free, however, 17% of Manchester United fans have split from a partner because of a football argument and Chelsea fans will be spending the least amount of time with their partner (of the English teams).

    Divorce-Online are not surprised

    Mark Keenan, The Managing Director of Divorce-Online.Co.uk says “These findings don’t surprise me that much. As a mad Swindon Town fan I am sure there are many when my wife has thought about giving me the boot when I have either come home worse for wear after a good win or have been miserable for a week after a good thumping.”

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    10% of Brits Will Split Up Because of the World Cup (femaleLIFESTYLE - Health, Beauty, Fashion, Shopping, Music, Movies, Professional Women)
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