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  • Health
  • Nail Science Brings Natural Support to Weak and Brittle Nails

    Look first to your diet if you want nails in tip-top condition, say the experts at Advanced Nutrition Programme, as the brand launches Nail Science, an innovative supplement specifically designed to help keep them strong and in good shape.

    Cosmetic nail hardeners and polishes may mask defects but they don’t address the underlying issues that prevent the cultivation of beautiful nails. Weak, brittle or flaky nails and white spots on the nail bed are a sure sign of nutritional deficiencies, so Advanced Nutrition Programme has selected a balanced combination of natural ingredients aimed at supporting normal nail growth and condition.

    Being low in one or another nutrient can cause nail problems but poor nails are not made healthy simply by boosting one element alone. The unique Nail Science complex ensures the synergy required for optimal absorption and use of complementary ingredients.

    Research* has shown that taking vitamins, especially biotin, can improve nail strength, even if you have a good diet and are healthy generally. The key ingredients in Nail Science include biotin, calcium, horsetail and specially selected vitamins and minerals, nutrients which research has shown provide specific benefits for nails.
    • Biotin improves nail growth and strength, reduces moisture loss and stimulates cell renewal.

    • Calcium, an important component of nails is supported by L-Lysine and vitamin D, which help the body to use the mineral.

    • The B vitamins all work together to increase circulation to the nails and contribute to hardness.

    • Minerals such as iron, zinc and copper help make strong cells for strengthening connective tissue and zinc in particular assists in preventing white spots.

    • The herb horsetail is rich in nail components silicilic acid and silicates, which also strengthen connective tissue to reduce brittleness.

    • Vitamin E helps with dryness around the cuticles.
    The Advanced Nutrition Programme, formulated by Patrick Holford, is a complete professional nutritional system of healthy eating and appropriate supplementation that is specifically designed to support anti-ageing therapies in the salon, spa and clinic environment.

    Priced £19.95 for a jar of 60 capsules (take two per day), Nail Science is available from salons, spas, clinics and other health and beauty practitioners, nationwide: ‘phone 020 8830 8030 for details of nearest stockists, or visit www.advancednutritionprogramme.com for more information about other supplements in the range.

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