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  • Health
  • Government backs sunbed ban

    Andy Burnham will today call for tanning salons to be banned from allowing under 18s to use sunbeds.

    He will announce that the Government is backing a Private Member’s Bill, seeking to introduce the ban at a photo call with Cancer Research UK and Julie Morgan, the MP introducing the Bill, later today.

    Secretary of State for Health, Andy Burnham said:

    "The scientific evidence is clear - sunbeds increase your risk of getting skin cancer. It is far too easy for young people to use sunbeds and I am determined to take action to protect them.

    “I fully support this Bill which will force tanning salons to ban access for people under 18 years old.”

    The move comes after a Cancer Research UK report, commissioned by the Government and published in November last year, showed worrying levels of sunbed use amongst under 18s.

    The report showed that:
    • Overall, 6.0 per cent of children aged 11-17 years in England said that they had used a sunbed

    • There was significant variation across the regions with the “North” having 11.0 per cent of children having used a sunbed compared with 4.2 per cent in both the “Midlands” and in the “South”

    • In a study of six different UK cities, sunbed use was significantly higher in Liverpool at 20.0 per cent and Sunderland at 18.0 per cent than in the other four “cities” for 11-17 year olds combined

    The Private Member’s Bill, to be introduced by Julie Morgan MP, will have its second reading in the House of Commons on 29th January 2010.

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