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  • NHS News
  • New MRSA Objective Reflects NHS Zero Tolerance Approach to Infections

    A new MRSA objective will focus progress on Trusts that need to improve the most, Health Minister Ann Keen announced today.

    From April 2010, the MRSA objective will be applied to all NHS organisations to ensure patients receive clean safe care across the whole NHS.

    In November 2004, the Department set the NHS a national target of reducing MRSA bloodstream infections by 50% and the latest quarterly figures show that nationally there has been a 76% reduction.

    The new objective will require organisations with the highest rates to make the biggest reductions and challenge the best performers to sustain their low rates and strive for further reductions where possible.

    Health Minister Ann Keen said:

    “The NHS has worked hard to reduce MRSA infections and accomplished what many thought was impossible but it can do better.

    “All patients have a right to expect clean, safe care in all settings but some trusts have not improved at the same rates as others.

    “We must reduce MRSA infections across the whole of the NHS so the new objective will introduce the toughest challenges for underperforming organisations.

    “This objective reflects the NHS’ zero tolerance policy for infections.”

    Inspector of Microbiology and Infection Control Brian Duerden said:

    “The new MRSA objective will sustain the excellent improvements we have already seen and drive down infections across the NHS. By focussing on those who can improve the most, we will reduce the variation that exists and make sure that everyone is striving to bring infections rates down even further.”

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