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  • Parenting and Kids
  • 98% of new mums recommend the award winning Natal Hypnotherapy™ CDs

    Finalist in the 2009 and winner in 2006 pregnancy product of the year award by Practical Parenting magazine, Natal Hypnotherapy are being chosen by an ever increasing number of women who want to prepare for a positive birth.

    To help even more women have access to the CDs, the price of all the CDs has been dramatically reduced from £16 to only £11.99 each. The CDs have been designed to help pregnant women develop skills, abilities and confidence in their bodies to help them have a happy, healthy and comfortable pregnancy and birth experience.

    Based on a survey of over 1000 women, 98% would recommend the CDs as an essential part of their pregnancy kit and over 2500 midwives and birth professionals are now recommending the CDs across the UK.

    “All your cd’s helped me so much. I was someone who was really scared, but felt so relaxed & in control during my pregnancy & the birth” – Fiona Whittaker

    “I had a wonderful birth experience which I believe is solely down to the fact that the birth preparation CD removed all my fear & anxiety. I was in labour for just over 6 hours (this was my 1st baby) and delivered without pain relief. The midwife continually commented on, and invited others to come to observe my calm and relaxed demeanour. Thank you for giving me the means to birth my baby in such a positive & memorable way” - Carol Gregson

    Individual CDs retail at £11.99 and the 4 CD programme which includes the pregnancy relaxation, birth preparation, relaxing birth music and fast post natal recovery retails at £39.99 (versions for hospital / birth centre, home birth, twins, Vaginal birth after a caesarean and prepare for a caesarean).

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    98% of new mums recommend the award winning Natal Hypnotherapy™ CDs (femaleLIFESTYLE - Health, Beauty, Fashion, Shopping, Music, Movies, Professional Women)
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