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  • Parenting and Kids
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  • Parents suffer back-to-school stress too

    Rhysko.com – the parents’ social network – today revealed that some mothers and fathers suffer worse back-to-school stress than their children.

    The popular online community, dubbed ‘MySpace for Mothers’, has reported a surge in forum discussions about the stresses parents face as their children return to school.

    ‘Back-to-school anxiety is normally thought of as kids’ issue,’ says Rhysko founder Mary Woodhouse. ‘However, it can be a difficult period for parents as well.’

    Common causes of parental stress include anxiety about a child’s integration into a new school, or their ability to cope with increased academic expectations. More unexpectedly, some parents admit their own negative experiences of school are awoken by their children’s return to the classroom.

    ‘Parents feel guilty about experiencing back-to-school stress, because they consciously prioritise their children’s emotional wellbeing,’ says Mrs Woodhouse.

    ‘Because Rhysko is anonymous, people aren’t embarrassed to discuss the issue and find other parents suffering similarly. It seems Rhysko is a more open, honest forum than the congregation of parents chatting at the school gates.’

    For further information, images or interviews, please visit pir website at Rhysko.com.

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