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  • Health
  • Natracare - Healthier By Nature

    New dry and light incontinence pad...

    Natracare, the natural range of sanpro’, is extending its offering with new Dry and Light urinary incontinence pads, designed for women with light bladder weakness.
    Bladder weakness is just as common as hayfever and affects about seven per cent of the population. It is more prevalent in women. Research[1] has shown that one in four women over 35 in the UK have experienced bladder weakness.

    For women with bladder weakness, having a discreet pad they can rely on to keep them dry is essential. Soft and discreet, Natracare Dry and Light pads are the first of their kind; made from sustainable, totally chlorine free, natural and biodegradable materials – so no uncomfortable feminine itching. They are also free from petroleum-derived super absorbents and plastics found in many other products.

    Research has shown that up to one third of women visiting a UK gynaecologist with symptoms of genital itching, soreness or discharge could be suffering with Allergic Feminine Irritation. David Nunns, Consultant gynaecologist at Nottingham City Hospital states; “Allergic Feminine Irritation is a very common problem and women very often mistake it for thrush. I would advise all women who experience this kind of vaginal irritation to try using natural sanitary protection and wearing cotton underwear.”

    Recent research[2] undertaken by Natracare also revealed that once made aware of the contents of most sanitary products, women are extremely concerned. For example, the chlorine bleaching used in many products produces dioxins, which have been linked to cancer, endometriosis, low sperm counts and immune system suppression.

    Natracare’s ‘all natural’ principles give women the healthier option, as well as caring for the environment. The pads are made from natural cellulose materials derived from ecologically managed forests. They are over 99 per cent biodegradable and compostable, being the first pads to be made using plant-based bio-plastics. Natracare’s Dry and Light pads provide the natural choice for women – helping them avoid the synthetic materials, skin irritants and chemicals, which are present in so many conventional products.

    Natracare Dry and Light are available in packs of 20 individually wrapped, natural pads and are priced at £3.99.

    Natracare products provide comfortable, reliable protection, while helping to care for the environment and women’s health.


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