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  • Bollywood
  • Phir Hera Pheri

    We all remember the trio of ‘Hera Pheri’, Baburao, Raju, and Shyam who rose from rags to riches!

    Still, money brings the joy of riches and with it the greed to make more money.

    So as each one is looking for investment options, Raju who’s always quick to spot ways of making easy money scouts out for an option that promises to double the investment. The only hitch is the minimum investment required is beyond what the trio saved in the last outing.

    You can trust Raju to come out with a solution.

    He ably ropes in a couple of unwitting investors adds it with another interesting jape without an inkling that it’ll blow on his face, to come up with the number.

    Now will these riches double or get them into trouble…?

    Wait to watch a rib-tickling, non-stop laughter riot to find for yourself. Add to this the comic presence & performances of Jhonny Lever & Rajpal Yadav.

    Let’s share a little secret here: Rajpal is one of the investor. And the poor man has borrowed money from a Don. And the Don’s totla played by the versatile, Sharad Saxena.

    Bipasha Basu & Rimi Sen complete the ensemble cast.

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