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  • Kate and Wills Wedding Website Goes Live

    The official Royal Wedding website celebrating the marriage of Prince William and Miss Catherine Middleton is launched today by St. James’s Palace.

    The website, www.officialroyalwedding2011.org, is the official information service for anyone interested in the forthcoming Royal Wedding.
    Regular announcements of wedding details in the run up to the wedding day will appear on the site.

    The website will be regularly updated with exclusive content, including photo galleries, features, videos and links to important information for visitors on the day.

    The website will bring together all of the official social media around the event, including the Clarence House and Buckingham Palace Flickr account, Twitter (@Clarence House), The Royal Channel on YouTube and the British Monarchy Facebook page, providing direct easy access to all channels of communication. Subject to further planning work, the website may feature a live web stream broadcast of the wedding itself.

    As well as regular updates on the wedding details ahead of the event, on the day itself the site will be the first place to view information such as the details of Miss Middleton’s wedding dress.

    The website is launched on the same day as DirectGov’s specific Royal Wedding page www.direct.gov.uk/RoyalWedding, which contains practical information for members of the public, whether they’re planning to visit London to take part in the celebrations or organising their own event within the local community.

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