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  • Beauty, Cosmetics
  • What is Botox?

    Botox is a protein complex derived from clostridium botulinum, the bacterium that causes the food borne illness botulism. For several years Botox has been used to treat severe neck spasms known as cervical dystonia and to treat nerve disorders of the eye such as uncontrolled blinking, and to treat eyes that don’t point in the same direction. This medication is also used to treat profuse underarm perspiration or hyperhidrosis. The use of botox in treating eye disorders resulted in an unusual but desired side effect for some patients. Physicians noticed that botox improved frown lines. Persons who experienced this effect looked less tired and fresher.

    Botox Cosmetic

    Botox received Food and Drug Administration approval for cosmetic use as an anti-ageing treatment in 2002. After an extensive review of studies that proved that Botox could reduce frown lines for up to four months, approval was given for the Botox to be used a cosmetic anti-ageing treatment for frown lines.

    Currently Botox is a popular anti-ageing remedy that helps individuals look younger. The form of Botox used for this purpose is known as Botox cosmetic. Botox cosmetic, a purified form of botulinum is given by injection in small doses and works by blocking the release of acetylcholine from the nerves. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that signals the nerves to contract. When the release of acetylcholine is blocked, muscles in the brow area are prevented from contracting which gives the skin a smooth appearance. It is not a permanent solution but a temporary treatment. However, because of the relative ease of giving the injections, follow-up injections are not seen as problematic.

    Since it is a medical treatment, plastic surgeons, ophthalmologists and dermatologists are generally the professionals who administer Botox cosmetic. This anti-ageing treatment is not recommended for persons under 65 years old or those under eighteen years of age. A person intending to receive a Bbotox cosmetic injection needs to share with their physician if they have any of the following conditions: diseases of the nervous system; past side affects from botulinum toxin products, bleeding problems, weakness of forehead muscles, or pregnancy. Additionally anyone who plans to have surgery should inform their doctor, as well as women who plan to become pregnant and those who plan to breastfeed. A person who had a Botox injection within the last four months; or is taking allergy medicines, cold medicines, sleep medications or muscle relaxants should not hesitate to share this information with their physician.

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