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  • Fitness and Sports
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  • New Year
  • Shape Up With The Stars

    Every year around 15 million of us make health-related New Year resolutions. To ensure 2010 is different, why not look to the stars for inspiration to achieve your weight loss and fitness goals.

    This unique approach to exercise was conceived by fitness expert Dean Hodgkin, consultant to award-winning spa Ragdale Hall and leading franchise company Energie. Since he was voted Best International Fitness Presenter at the One Body One World awards in New York, there’s a good chance he knows what he’s talking about!

    Comments Dean, ‘I’ve constantly searched for a route to help people to stick to their exercise programmes and know that good personal trainers will not only establish your desired goals but should also attempt to tap into your personality and then tailor workouts to suit. I’ve simply taken this a step further, by asking clients their zodiac sign so I can quickly gain an insight into their conscious and sub-conscious character traits and so recommend ideal programmes to follow.’

    For quick examples, Sagittarian’s tend to be fun-loving, friendly and enjoy sharing so activities such as dance classes and team sports would be advised whilst a sensitive, emotional Piscean might prefer the escapism of a mind-body format, such as yoga or Pilates.

    ‘By matching exercise options to signs of the zodiac there is much more likelihood the workout experience will be a pleasurable one. If this is the case you are more likely to stick to your programme and will therefore, in time, see the results you seek’, says Dean.

    Sounds like pretty good advice to anyone who has blindly jumped on the bandwagon of the latest, fashionable January workout fad only to be left disillusioned and back at square one by February.

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