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  • BioFlu – Could This Be The Natural Defence Against Swine Flu?

    At a time when everyone is trying to protect themselves against the frightening spread of viral infections and the spectre of a Swine Flu pandemic, a supplement which has become hugely popular in the US is about to hit the UK market. BioFlu, which combines western science with Chinese traditional medicine, could prove to be as big a hit here as it has been in the US.

    The first line of defence against infection

    The immune system is the vital first line of defence against infection and illness. The stronger the immune system, the better the odds of not being infected in the first place and the quicker the body will recover from infection and illness. However, both environmental and biological influences can weaken our defences and leave us open to infection.

    A purely natural herbal supplement used by thousands of flu sufferers, BioFlu gives a powerful boost to the immune system. Since it was introduced in 2005 it has achieved a following of fiercely loyal users and some serious scientific backing. BioFlu Immune Support combines a selection of four of the most powerful, natural antioxidants – Black Elderberry, shown in human trials to reduce the severity of flu symptoms by 50%, Siberian Ginseng, and Star Anise and Shikimic Acid, the plant from which the leading anti-viral drug Tamiflu is made.

    “We believe that the public are looking for less harsh, more natural ways of defending their bodies against viral infections and boosting their immune system,” says James Betz of Biotivia. ”BioFlu has shown itself to do exactly what it says on the box – support the body’s natural immune system and there’s irrefutable medical evidence that the immune system is the primary defence in the war against disease,” he concludes.

    An effective and natural method of combating the effects of flu

    Research published in The Journal of International Medical Research has supported the use of Black Elderberry in particular as an effective and natural method of combating the effects of flu symptoms, reducing recovery time by half.

    Biotivia, the company making and distributing BioFlu Immune Support, believe that this product is a safe and natural aid in strengthening the body’s immune system against the onslaught of viral infections.

    “We don’t pretend that BioFlu is a miracle cure for ailments or diseases,” continues James Betz. “But what we do say is that prevention is far better than the cure. We believe that this product allows people to take control of their health and to manage the situation by having the natural defence mechanism in place to fight off the first signs of infection,” he adds.

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