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  • Parenting and Kids
  • “Parenting code” cracked as new book reveals how to achieve Happy Kids Happy You

    How many parents have wished their child came with an instruction manual? Those wonderful moments of bliss … shattered by tantrums and conflict. Just how should you react?

    Well you don’t need to rip your hair out any longer, thanks to a new book, Happy Kids Happy You (Crown House Publishing, available September 1, priced at £14.99) - a lifeline to mums, dads and anyone working with children.

    Author Sue Beever, a mum, trainer, coach and master practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), shows how to re-think and re-programme how you speak, overcome barriers, and ensure a better outcome for both children and parents.

    Sue provides a totally fresh approach, using NLP to abandon traditional responses which can actually create more conflict and prolong bad behaviour.

    Happy Kids Happy You covers the theory and the practice, backed by real examples – including frustrated toddlers who are unable to convey their needs; foot-stamping older children; and, vitally – how to handle that nightmare when you know the answer is about to be: “No”.

    Designed as a constant aid and reference guide, Happy Kids Happy You turns many techniques on their head and opens readers’ eyes to a new and stress-free way of raising children.

    In a down-to-earth way, its sections include:

    · Dealing with situations in the moment; how to turn "Don’ts" into "Do’s" - encouraging the good behaviour you want, rather than drawing attention to the bad

    · Dealing with more challenging situations, including how to set and maintain reasonable boundaries that respect the needs of the children and parents – the importance of consistency and how to avoid contradictions.

    · Creating practical solutions for parenting which take care of you - how to manage your moods to avoid passing on stress to your children.

    · Thinking more usefully and enjoying the journey – becoming a more confident and competent parent using NLP methods to take a step back and regain control of situations – both with children, and in your everyday life.

    Sue Beever is a full member of the Association for Coaching, and the Professional Guild of NLP, and has run “Happy Kids Happy You Workshops” for the past four years.

    She says: “Whenever I am speaking at any event people have asked ‘why not write a book?’ Here it is, my key teachings - Happy Kids Happy You.

    “My book aims to empower readers, giving them the vital tools to understand how to communicate effectively, resolve conflict and enjoy better relationships with their children.

    “… and a happy, contented, child will turn into a much more rounded, confident, adult, helping them in every aspect of their future lives.”


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