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  • A personalised registration - a gift for life, not just for Christmas!

    Stuck for a present idea this Christmas, then DVLA Personalised Registrations can deliver a “sled” load!

    Anyone wanting to ensure their gift isn’t resigned to the bottom drawer come Boxing Day should consider a personalised registration. Once bought, the registration falls under the rare banner of being truly a “gift for life”.

    And, as one in five number plates sold by the agency are bought as presents, they don’t have to break the bank either with prices starting from £250.

    Damian Lawson, marketing manager for DVLA Personalised Registrations said: “Personalised registrations have become hugely popular presents, with the choice of around 28 million registrations available, we have something to suit everyone.”

    Buying this Christmas could not be simpler with the recent launch of the DVLA’s online shopping facility which can be instantly tapped into along with the millions of registrations available. To find the ideal registration for your loved one, visit the DVLA Personalised Registrations’ official website, www.dvlaregistrations.co.uk.

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    A personalised registration - a gift for life, not just for Christmas! (femaleLIFESTYLE - Health, Beauty, Fashion, Shopping, Music, Movies, Professional Women)
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