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  • Health
  • Lighten up your legs this summer

    If you suffer from ‘heavy’ legs or unsightly veins take heart. A combination of herbs may help you feel light on your feet and proud of your pins this summer.

    Butcher’s Broom, Horse Chestnut and Vine Leaf are believed to work in harmony to help redress oedema (swelling), cramp and CVI (Chronic Venous Insufficiency) that is caused by reduced blood flow through the veins. Warmer weather aggravates these symptoms, so, ironically, during the summer when you like to show off your legs they may be least comfortable and attractive.

    Butcher’s Broom
    Boosts circulation and gives elasticity to the vein walls
    Horse Chestnut
    Inhibits inflammation in the body’s cells, helps maintain the collagen structure of the vein wall, improves blood flow and reduces swelling
    Vine Leaf
    Has potent antioxidant properties to prevent ageing and inflammation of the cells, slows down oxidation within the veins – oxidation is understood to be a key contributory factor to CVI.

    "Using this combination of herbal extracts is better than using support stockings for grades 1 and 2 venous insufficiency,” says Dale Pinnock , nutritionist and medical herbalist. “With the blood moving again in the veins, it will move in the capillaries and your legs will feel less tired,” he explains. “Vine leaf is thought to improve the integrity of the vein walls, whilst horse chestnut may smooth the vein walls and butchers broom could improve the elasticity of the membrane.”

    Handy Capsules
    Butcher’s Broom, Horse Chestnut and Vine Leaf can be taken in handy capsule form. Three per day are recommended to alleviate symptoms then one capsule per day for maintenance. The Butcher’s Broom, Horse Chestnut and Vine Leaf soft gel capsules cost around £10 and are widely available from health food shops, at www.revital.com or by calling 0870 366 5729.

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