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  • Parenting and Kids
  • Organised mum unveils brand new range of diaries and calendars

    Innovative organisational tools help busy mums plan all aspects of family life with clever features from budgeting and bills to homes and gardens.

    A recent survey found that 86 per cent of mums felt that they were in a state of constant motion (1). Organised Mum is the designer of a new comprehensive range of diaries and calendars aimed at busy mums who need help with time management. The Organised Mum range has been created by parents, for parents who know only too well how hectic family life can be. More than just a diary, the range aims to provide parents with stress-free planning tools which account for all aspects of family life and not simply for noting dates of birthdays and doctor appointments.

    In particular, Organised Mum’s family life books contain tear out shopping lists so that parents can create lists whenever they pass the nearest supermarket or feel inspired. Reminder stickers are a regular feature of the product range making it quick and easy to highlight and recognise important calendar events.

    Sarah Sadler, founder of Organised Mum, explains, “After becoming a mother I soon realised that there were no products on the market that catered for busy mums to help them stay organised during one of the most hectic and demanding times in their lives. Instead of trying to shoe-horn family life into something designed for an office worker, we have designed our diaries and calendars from the inside out.

    “We hope that our new range of products will not only help parents to avoid missing appointments, after school activities and weekly shopping visits, but will also allow them to factor in a little quality ‘me time’. Being organised shouldn’t mean that parents are constantly working, it can and should actually free-up that much needed hour or two in the week to relax.”

    Planning ahead can take the pressure off day-to-day life. The Organised Mum product range ensures that adequate space is assigned for all of the little things a parent has to remember such as meal planning, budgeting and bills and regular chores in the home and garden. There is even room for each member of the family to enter their weekly activities so that everything is centralised in one place and everyone knows what is happening and when.

    Organised Mum has also created a range of products for pregnant women and mothers with young babies, helping them to plan for some of the most exciting and demanding years a family will experience. As well as recording appointments, scans and hospital meetings, parents can also record milestones and special events such as baby’s weight and measurements as he/she grows.

    Please visit www.organised-mum.co.uk for the full product range and to make purchases.

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