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  • Nip / tuck
  • Lipotherapy

    A revolutionary new treatment to get rid of excess fat deposits - without resorting to the surgeon's knife - is now available from Dr Elisabeth Dancey, one of the UK’s leading aesthetic doctors.

    Lipotherapy is an exciting new technique specifically designed to eliminate localized fat deposits on the face and body. The procedure is ideal for treating areas where fat deposits will simply not disappear, despite maintaining proper diet and exercise, offering clients a surgery-free alternative to liposuction.

    The procedure, pioneered by a Brazilian dermatologist, involves a series of injections into the fat layers below the skin. The ‘fat-busting’ ingredient, phosphatidylcholine, breaks down the fat cell membranes releasing fatty acids into the lymphatic system and enabling them to be metabolised by body. Depending on the area treated and the desired results, the client is injected with the drug every two weeks for a maximum of four sessions.

    Lipotherapy shows excellent results for sculpting of specific areas such as the upper arms, chin, under-eye area, “love handles”, stomach and waist. Once injected, the area is massaged to further distribute the product. In general the procedure is not painful, although afterwards there will usually be some bruising and tenderness.

    Stubborn pockets of fat respond better than generalised distribution of excess fat and Dr Dancey is keen to stress that the procedure is most effective when combined with a sensible diet and increased activity.

    Prices start at £140. For further information contact Dr Elisabeth Dancey’s clinic on 020 7821 8257.

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