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  • Dating and Relationships
  • Half Of Women Guilty Of Break-up Revenge

    New research by the UKs leading independent celebrity fashion website has revealed that just over half of British women have committed break-up revenge on an ex; the most popular act of revenge being spreading sexual rumours.

    Rarely are break-ups pleasant affairs; and according to new research by the UKs leading independent celebrity fashion website, www.MyCelebrityFashion.co.uk, many British women call upon revenge when things dont go well.

    The study found that over half, 52%, of respondents admitted to having enacted revenge upon an ex-partner; with a further quarter, 24%, of those who hadnt, admitting that they had wanted to in the past. Furthermore, one in five of those who had committed revenge had done so to more than one ex-partner.

    The study was conducted by www.MyCelebrityFashion.co.uk as
    part of ongoing research into relationships; and aimed to decipher how women deal with break-ups. 1,651 women aged 18-35 subsequently took part.

    Respondents to the study were initially asked the question, Have you ever enacted revenge upon an ex, following a break-up? with just over half, 52%, of the women taking part answering yes.

    Those who said yes were then asked to stipulate, from a multi-answer question, what exactly they had done to claim revenge. The top 5 results were as follows;

    1) Spread a rumour of sexual connotation- 41%
    2) Damaged clothes- 38%
    3) Damaged car- 32%
    4) Had an affair- 29%
    5) Stolen money/possessions- 17%

    Respondents to the study who had enacted revenge upon their ex-partner were also given the choice of choosing other when stipulating what they had done, and were here asked to write what they had done to claim revenge. One female respondent admitted to planting fish in her ex-partners bedroom; in the hope that the smell would put off any potential new lovers.

    Of those who claimed to have had an affair for revenge; just under two fifths, 38%, admitted to having done so with a friend of their ex-partner. Furthermore, 69% of those who had an affair told their ex what they had done.

    63% of the women who had enacted revenge upon an ex-partner admitted to doing so in order to make themselves feel better; in comparison to 19% who claimed they did so because their friends encouraged them. Furthermore, one in five, 21%, of these women admitted to having sought revenge on more than on ex-partner; as opposed to 79% who claimed to have only done so to one.

    Andy Barr, marketing director of MyCelebrityFashion.co.uk, commented on the findings:

    Whilst revenge is often talked about after a particularly bitter break-up, we wanted to look into how many women have actually gone the whole hog and done something about it. Spreading a rumour of sexual nature was by far the most popular act of revenge amongst the women we polled; probably because rumours are an easy way of causing a great deal of damage to both ego and reputation.

    He continued:

    Even though this was a light-hearted look into the revenge of an angry ex, its important to remember that revenge is never the answer. Taking the moral high ground and rising above a bitter break up is always better in the long run; even if revenge can make you feel a lot better at the time!

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