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  • Finance / Your Money
  • PAYE Tax Calculations - Check And Challenge

    Taxpayers receiving tax calculations from HMRC are in need of help – particularly if these show that they owe money to HMRC and they cannot afford to pay for a tax adviser. We do not feel that HMRC have done all they could to help the vulnerable and the uninitiated – something which we hope will be improved before the large bulk of the 6 million calculations are sent out.
    So to fill the gap, we are providing extra guidance. The position is complicated, but we have tried to cover most circumstances.

    In our article posted on Saturday we undertook to provide a more detailed guidance package for people in receipt of a tax calculation. Whilst it is difficult to generalise as an almost infinite variety of circumstances could apply, our aim is to provide help which people can then fit to their own situation.
    We have done our best in a short timescale to provide our initial guidance. You will find a link to our step by step guide to managing the P800 problem at the end of this article.
    We will be refining our advice as further evidence of the nature of problems occurring becomes apparent.
    In the meantime, we hope that HMRC can improve their guidance, particularly for people without access to the internet. We also hope that in areas of doubt, of which there are many, they will apply a generous and sympathetic approach.

    Contact Name: John Andrews (Tel: 0844 579 6700 Fax 0844 579 6701)

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    P800 calculations guidance

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