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  • LighterLife investigates why February has become the new January for dieting

    LighterLife, weight loss and weight management specialists, investigates why February has become the new January when it comes to starting new diet plans and weight loss regimes.

    To look into why February has been such a busy month for those starting diets, Lighter Life sent podcast presenter, Susan Spence to meet LighterLife Counsellor, Mary McLean and her clients, for the latest edition of the 'Inside LighterLife' podcast.

    'Inside LighterLife' is a monthly podcast that gives clients and prospective clients the opportunity to find out a little more about the LighterLife Programme and the people involved. The podcast features real stories from real people that have lived and breathed the quick weight loss programme. Feedback on the podcasts is always encouraged and this month there is a set of BergHoff UK Castline pans, worth £175, up for grabs for whichever comment or quote is chosen by the LighterLife team as the month's most inspiring.

    Sara Jamison, LighterLife CEO, kicked off the podcast on how popular the month of February has been for LighterLife. Although January is normally the month of choice to begin a new healthy lifestyle, February has been an exciting one at LighterLife with the launch of the 'Little Book of not being Big'.

    Commenting on the Little Green Book of Not Being Big, which went out in the Mail on Sunday's You Magazine, Sara said: "It's a great little book that gets across some very serious messages that I think anyone who in their life has been on any kind of diet will be able to identify." Anyone interested in knowing more can log on to the LighterLife website where they can download a copy or visit their local LighterLife Counsellor to request one.

    Sara also provided some top tips and advice on starting a LighterLife Lite Programme that should help to keep dieters focused and achieve their weight loss goals and lose weight fast.

    The January's increase may be mainly due to all the snow at the beginning of the year that interfered with people's diet and weight loss plans but for those who believe that now is the perfect time to start a diet, the LighterLife podcast is determined to help.

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