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  • New Year
  • Nationwide study reveals Londoners’ top 10 new year’s resolutions for 2010

    With 2010 underway, the latest findings from a nationwide study by CitySocialising, which polled over 4000 of its members across London and other cities across the UK & Scotland about their new year’s resolutions, have revealed that 74% of Londoners will be making at least one new year’s resolution this January, 17% of them for the first time ever.

    When asked what their resolutions for 2010 were going to be, top of the list for Londoners was 'to enjoy life more', followed by 'losing weight', which was second on the list for women but only sixth on the list for men, and then 'learning something new' and 'getting fit', which appeared in joint place as the third most popular resolutions for Londoners in 2010. (see end of release for full list and Top 10)

    Interestingly, the second most popular 2010 resolution of choice for London men is 'to find true love', which comes only fifth on the list for women. But overall, 'finding true love' and 'learning something new' beat 'saving money' and 'paying off debts' in Londoners’ list of most popular resolutions, with all of these beating 'quitting smoking' and 'drinking less' which both appeared at the bottom of the list.

    However, although their intentions appeared to be good, when questioned about how long they expected to stick to their resolutions, the majority (26%) of those questioned in London only expected to last for 3 months, with 5% less than a week and 14% between 2 weeks and month! But an admirable one in five Londoners demonstrate great resolve, with 20% keeping true to their resolutions for over a year.

    Overall in the study, men were found less likely than women to actually make resolutions than their female counterparts, but appeared to be better at sticking to them, with 20% claiming they kept their resolution for a year or more, compared to just 15% of women, the majority of whom (29%) admitted sticking to their resolutions for an average of just 3 months.

    Sanchita Saha, CEO & founder of CitySocialising said:

    'It’s really interesting that 'finding true love' comes so high on the list of resolutions for London men compared to women – it should give any single girls out there real hope of finding Mr. Right this year. Considering the high cost of living in the Capital, and so many jobs lost in 2009, I was expecting 'saving money' and 'paying off debts' to come higher on people’s lists. But it’s great to see that enjoying life more came top because having fun and a positive attitude is what makes life in London so great.'

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