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  • New Book - Stop Bedwetting in Seven Days

    A major new seven-day guide to help children conquer bedwetting

    More than 750,000 children in the UK accidentally wet their beds at night. According to figures published by the British Medical Journal, 20% of five-year-olds have difficulty in controlling their bladders at night-time and it remains a problem for 3% of all 15-year-olds. The actual numbers are likely to be even higher as bedwetting is still a taboo subject which many parent are not happy to discuss – in many cases, it isn’t even talked about within the family. Stop Bedwetting in Seven Days is a major new step-by-step guide, written by an expert in the use of NLP and hypnosis in children, which aims to help children and parents conquer bedwetting in just one week.

    Bedwetting – also known as nocturnal enuresis – has serious consequences, including a lack of confidence and low self-esteem, with children often failing to reach their full potential. Invitations to sleepovers have to be refused, while school trips, camps and even family holidays are met with fear. Left untreated, prolonged childhood bedwetting can lead to difficulties forming relationships and finding work, susceptibility to stress, anxiety and even depression. Studies show that bedwetting children who are given professional help and advice are more likely to become dry than those who are left to ‘grow out of’ the habit.

    Stop Bedwetting in Seven Days is a tried-and-tested guide, incorporating the latest techniques and success strategies from the fields of positive psychology, hypnotherapy and NLP. These techniques complement a child’s natural development and encourage vital mind and body connections to be made. Once these are established, both the child and the parent can look forward to a lifetime of dry nights. The book also comes with a free downloadable recording for children to listen to (available from www.stopbedwettingin7days.co.uk), filled with positive suggestions to help them change their unwanted bedwetting habit.

    Alicia Eaton, a qualified hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner who specialises in working with children, has written Stop Bedwetting in Seven Days after she saw a rise in the number of parents coming to her for help with their children’s bedwetting habits. She comments, “Bedwetting can be cured. I’ve been helping parents and their children overcome the habit for a number of years now and it’s clear that solving a child’s bedwetting problem is much more than just achieving night-time dryness – it’s about giving them an increased level of self-confidence both at home and at school, which can lead to improved performance in the classroom and better social interaction. I decided to write the book as I believe the techniques I’ve developed can be easily learned by parents.”

    Topics in the book include:

    1. Possible causes of bedwetting

    2. Understanding habits and behaviour

    3. How hypnotherapy & NLP can help overcome bedwetting

    4. The seven-day system to conquering bedwetting

    5. FAQs and useful links

    Stop Bedwetting in Seven Days is published by MX Publishing on 21 September 2009, priced £9.95. For further details, tips and advice, as well as access to the free downloadable recording for children, visit www.stopbedwettingin7days.co.uk (the site will be live from 21 September 2009).

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