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  • OFT house build Study 'A Waste of Time and Money'

    OFT building study that house build is a waste of time and money according to inspector Home.

    Inspector Home have branded the OFT Study on the house building industry a complete waste of time and money and warn that it will have very negative consequences for new home buyers up and down the country.

    They have issued an open invitation to the government, the media and consumer organisations to join them on an inspection or answer phones in their office and discover the reality about the quality of new homes and customer satisfaction.

    Stephen Nancarrow MD Inspector Home contributed to the study and provided statistical data of over 3000 actual reports that directly contradict the statements given in the study today about customer satisfaction.

    “On behalf of all past, present and future new home buyers we are bitterly disappointed by the report” says Stephen. “We were led to believe by the authors of the report that the OFT were finally going to set stringent standards for the house building industry and they have failed. The reports states that a steering group will be set up to devise a consumer code of conduct which would be a good idea, however none of the members represent consumers, so who is going to speak up for them?”

    Inspector Home launched a petition in 2004, lobbying the Government to introduce regulation and protection for buyers ofnewhomes. It wants to see the establishment of a formal regulatory body, legal consumer protection, government-set standards and league tables of property developers.

    New Homes are exempt from the Sale of Goods Act – there is more consumer protection covering the purchase of a can of baked beans than a new home.

    Of the thousands of new homes inspected by Inspector Home last year, only 1 had zero defects: the worst had 405. This means that many people who should be enjoying living in their “dream” home, are spending time fighting battles to have these faults rectified and are forced to move in to sub-standard homes with no legal right to compensation.

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