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  • NHS News

    New specialist inspectors to monitor future cleaning.
    Health Secretary Alan Johnson today announced the very latest data on the first national programme of hospital deep cleaning, as the deadline for completion draws near.

    Detailing the next steps in maintaining hospital cleanliness, the Health Secretary announced that specially trained teams from the Healthcare Commission would go into hospitals to check that they are meeting and maintaining stringent standards of cleanliness.

    Alan Johnson said:

    “We set a challenging deadline for Trusts, which is almost upon us. I am pleased to announce that 93% of Trusts will have completed their local deep clean programme by or on 31 March 2008 and the rest are well on the way to completion. Patients demanded cleaner hospitals and the NHS has responded.

    “Although we are nearing the end of this particular programme, it is just the beginning for deep cleaning in general. I expect hospitals to continue the good work that they have started and ensure that deep cleaning is an integral part of their routine cleaning plans.

    “To ensure that Trusts maintain high levels of cleanliness, new teams of specialist inspectors will soon be monitoring every Trust in England to ensure that they are meeting the standards set in the Hygiene Code.”

    In response to patient demands for clean and tidy hospitals, the Prime Minister last September asked Trusts to begin the programme of intensive hospital cleaning with a deadline of 31 March for completion.

    Specialist Healthcare Commission inspections will begin this month (April 2008), and will be in addition to the inclusion of deep cleaning from next year as an element in the annual Patient Action Environment Team (PEAT) inspection programme carried out by the National Patient Safety Agency. DH will also publish best practice guidance later on this year to help hospitals meet their obligations under these inspection regimes.

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