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  • Health
  • Exciting news for Back Pain Sufferers!

    Socks to help with backache?

    Wouldn’t it be great if someone could invent a shirt which could massage your shoulders, or trousers to reduce cellulite? What about a pair of socks to help alleviate backache? Someone has! Reflotherapies a Southampton based complementary therapies salon, has tried, tested and patented a unique product to help reduce the symptoms of back pain – and all you have to do is put on a pair of socks.

    With up to 80% of the working population having to take time off due to backache at some stage in their lives, Reflosocks could be very useful to people of all ages in helping to relieve chronic back pain. Reflosocks are based on the ancient principles of reflexology, were invented by a practising reflexologist and many adults and children are already feeling the benefits of this inexpensive, self-help holistic product.

    64% of Reflosock wearers reported having to take less painkillers after wearing Reflosocks twice a week for 1.5 to 3 hours. Many of those in the initial case study reported of the Reflosocks that ‘they were easy to wear and preferable to taking medication’ and ‘simple to use‘. The Reflotherapies website also features an informative diary page which gives hints and tips on reflexology and general wellbeing, and also case studies.

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