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  • Christmas
  • Chocolate Cocktail Drinks Maker this year’s perfect Christmas Gift, by Giles & Posner!

    Looking for something new and innovative to give to a lover of all things chocolate this Christmas? Then Giles & Posner’s new Chocolate Cocktail Drinks Maker is this year’s must have accessory and perfect seasonal gift for you. Giles & Posner have used their expertise in chocolate to create the UK’s first Chocolate Cocktail Drinks Maker, allowing you to discover your own special drinks and satisfy the inner chocoholic in you. The most important ingredient in a Chocolate Cocktail is fun!

    You don’t need to be an expert to create fantastic drinks that will amaze everyone: from frothy cappuccinos, mochas and milkshakes to hot chocolate liqueurs. Serve your drinks hot, cold, or chilled over ice. With The Chocolate Cocktail Drinks maker, the most important ingredient is fun, it’s a terrific sharing experience or great for your own special treat at any time.

    Giles & Posner’s new Drinks Maker comes in two different colours; Metallic Red, and Pearlescent Cream. The maker has a pourer to serve the drinks, it’s simple to use and easy to clean. The contents of the maker can fill up to 8 cups or 4 mugs; alternatively you can use cocktail or martini glasses for a more adventurous drink.

    Be inspired by the free Chocolate Cocktail Drinks Maker Recipe Book inside or simply dream up your own drinks by melting pieces from your favourite chocolate bar or use Giles and Posner’s luxury chocolate in strawberry, milk, dark or white. There’s even a special Christmas Cocktail Recipes! You can add any chocolate to heated milk and blend in a favourite flavoring, liquor, or add in a spice or two, let your imagination run wild.

    The Chocolate Cocktail Drinks Maker Retails at £39.95, check out www.gilesandposner.com to find a stockist near you, or to purchase the product online. Other online stockists include: www.Firebox.com , www.Menkind.co.uk, www.Prezzybox.com.

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    Chocolate Cocktail Drinks Maker this year’s perfect Christmas Gift, by Giles & Posner! (femaleLIFESTYLE - Health, Beauty, Fashion, Shopping, Music, Movies, Professional Women)
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